After reading some interesting news about the upgraded capabilities of the new Kineton that will come with Xbox One later this year. I stumbled across something a spokesperson from Netflix said, Netflix will have an app for the new Xbox ready plus future features of their app could include the kindest watching + listening to you watch TV....
"Scary creepy or Cool Exciting Feature"
Basically Netflix loves to know what you watch, how often etc. But wouldn't they love to know how you enjoy shows or movies. More useful mite be for them to know when shows bore you or not that funny.
"All eyes & ears"
With Xbox's kinect, Netflix would be able to see how people enjoy or don't enjoy, for example if you were watching a comedy, kinect could listen to how often you laugh, or track your face to see how often you smile during show. It's a great way to measure how well a show is doing by measuring how the audience is enjoying it. Another possibility is tracking how scary a show is by measuring heart rate using kinect plus how often people close their eyes or hide behind your hands.
"Companies let Netflix would love this data"
In conclusion, it could be a good feature if it is sorely used to help create new better shows or help improve current TV shows. However Netflix did admit that they won't implement this type if feature soon, and understand people would have to comfortable with the thought of being watched and listened to. Would you? Other companies may look into this feature, Lovefilm, BBC iPlayer, possibly Games...

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