"Full hands free voice control, look no buttons"
Fancy a bit Moto X action on your android phone, well thanks to developer RSen who has released an app called Open Mic, you can now have full hands free voice control over your phone including beta setting to control it even when locked*. On the Moto X users will have to say the hot phrase which the phone will always be listening for (not creepy at all) which in its case is "OK Google Now" followed by your command e.g. Call John Smith. Which all being well, will open Google Now, voice search "Call John Smith" and then will place a call to John Smith, ta daa!

With Open Mic app, once your downloaded. Open it once, and hit the start button, which will begin letting the phone listen for the hot phrase followed by a command, its preset to "OK Google" but in the app settings can be changed to anything you prefer, I shortened it till just "Google".

The app also has a setting for listening when the screen is off, experimental beta warning attached though, I had some luck with it working and didn't kill my battery too bad. Although I had to remove my lock screen pattern to let my phone to unlock and launch into Google Now app. The last optional setting controls if you want to see if the app is running in your notification bar, this is handy plus it allows you to pause and resume or stop your phone listening for voice commands.

I really enjoyed playing with this app and appreciate its early days (few failures and bugs). I tried numerous commands and worked perfectly well, but I did have to pause and resume several times to keep app to start listening to me. I'm honestly impressed though, I think it is fantastic that developers are able to replica cool features from any phone . I'm looking fowrward to future updates to this app.

Play Store Download : Open Mic