Ever since last week when Chromecast was launched in California, I've been amazed and confused by it, what is Chromecast? 

Many people think it's a tv revolution, others doesn't see what the fuss is about, about this 2inch gizmo that connects to your telly box for only $35 (£30 fingers crossed UK) 

I believe I know what the best way to describe it, here goes it's simply a media streamer. Do you mean like Roku, Boxee, Apple TV your probably thinking, not quite. Chromecast comes with no fancy UI + NO REMOTE!!

 Now wait a second don't panic this is where it gets cool, your Android phone or tablet, even iPhone or iPad will be your controller. Simply open a compatible Chromecast app e.g. Netflix, choose your show or movie, push Chromecast button in app and your telly's iq quadruples in matter of seconds to stream your content. 

Other apps available are youtube, Google play movies and very soon Pandora, with many more in future. 

Unfortunately I'm in UK and not had a chance to play with one, however my advice is grab one of these bargain dongles, if and most importantly you have minimum 5mb broadband connection and very good wifi signal near your tv 

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